Medical Student
We are excited to welcome visiting medical students to TriStar EM! Sub-Internship rotations are only open to senior medical students who are applying in Emergency Medicine. This is an advanced EM experience, and we expect students to have completed a previous EM rotation prior to participation. Applications are processed through Clinician Nexus; use the link below to begin the free application process.
All interested students should prepare a Statement of Interest and submit it along with their application. Your statement should highlight your commitment to the field of EM as well as your specific interest in TriStar EM and/or Nashville.
Rotation Highlights
Rotation FAQs
Q: What dates are available for visiting rotations in 2024/2025?
A: Rotations are available in four week blocks during the following time periods:
June 10 - July 5
August 5 - August 30
September 9 - October 4
October 14 - November 8
November 11 - December 6
Q: The rotation dates listed above don't line up with my school's schedule - what are my options?
A: We understand that scheduling rotations for your senior of medical school can be a difficult game of tetris. Submit your application for the dates that most closely match your availability, and we will work with you individually to try to approve alternate dates on a case-by-case basis. 3 week rotations are also an option.
Q: How many students will be accepted for each rotation?
A: In order to provide focus on our growing program, only four medical students will be accepted per rotation during the 2024-2025 season.
Q: How can I apply?
A: Utilize Clinician Nexus, a free resource for students to connect with clinical rotations. See link above. Application are reviewed and approved on a rolling basis starting on 2/1/2024.
Other questions?
Send us a message below!